Interesting websites about nature and trees:
"A gdy już usnę na wieki
Niech sen mi się przyśni królewski Niech mnie kołysze do marzeń Szum Puszczy Białowieskiej". (Julian Ejsmond) Jacek Wysmułek (1937-1983)
Born on 20 August 1937 in Pruszkow near Warsaw.
He started a forest technical school in Bialowieza
in 1951 and finished in Brynk, Sląsk in 1955. The same year he
started studies at Forestry Department of SGGW in Warsaw. In 1956
responding to the appeal of the Minister of Forestry Roman Gesing he set
off to work in Bieszczady taking up the position of forester in Wetlina
Forest Distict (forest administration region: Kalnica). In July 1960 he
was employed as a forester in region "Parki" in the BNP where he was carrying
out his first observations under an outstanding scientist Prof. Jan Jerzy
Karpiński's direction. He was a dedicated nature protection activist. For
over 20 years he worked and lived in the Bialowieza Forest. While being a
forester in the BNP, he fought against poaching with determination. He was
trying to form a protection zone of the national park and was against placing
raised hides on its border. He worked on this post for 14 years. In 1974 he dared
to defend inviolability of entrusted nature reserve of the BNP, when his
superior - then the BNP director - had ordered other employee to shoot a
legally protected animal - bison. For brave words of criticism Jacek is
dismissed from his post in the BNP. A lot of press organs(including nationwide)
stand up for Jacek condemning the director's decision. After this incident -
although he can get back to work due to court verdict - he does not come back
to the BNP. From April 1975 he starts working in the Bialowieza Forest District
as a tourist & nature protection forester. A sad event with the bison turned
out to be extremely creative as a result. He organizes camping sites, designs
campsite chains: "Pogorzelce", "Grudki" & "Budy" for individual tourists.
He developed the nature reserve "Old Białowieża" as a focal spot for mass
tours and also "Filipówka" & "Hajduki", fencing in these places with original
fence made from lime rings. Besides he reconstructed some old
insurrectionary and soldier crosses in the forest such as "the Batory
mountain cross" or the cross in front of a campsite in the village
Pogorzelce. He marks out two very interesting & remarkable tourist
trails in the Bialowieza Forest. The first one - "Szlak Królewskich
Dębów"(The King's Oaks trail) was made in years 1977-1979 in the
nature reserve Old Białowieża. Together with his wife Barbara they
found a group of oaks several hundred years old and named them after
Lithuanian princes & Polish kings, who had hunted in the Bialowieza
Forest. Next to each oak there is a plate with information about a
tree and person whose name was used. The second trail, so called
"Żebra Żubra"(Bison's Ribs), is 4 km long and crosses footbridges
through various forest habitats. It came into existence in years
1978-1981. In the most interesting places along with his wife he
put plates with suitable explanations. With a great passion and
dedication Jacek Wysmułek was saving old monumental trees which
started to disappear very fast. In the forest he seeked out over
150 oaks, ashes & other species which met any criteria of rating
them as natural monuments and secured them with fences & plates.
He also took part in marking new nature reserves in the Bialowieza
Forest. Apart from his professional work Jacek was active in
social organizations. He joined PTTK in 1952 in Jelenia Góra
and started working as a guide under a well-known tourist expert
Tadeusza Stec's direction. From 1964 to 1967 he was a chairman of
the Guide Association in Białowieża. During his term he was trying
to increase the number of members and was taking care of choosing
the most proper training staff. As the first one in the whole
history of the Guide Association he made efforts to provide the
Bialowieza guide with identical uniforms. Almost until the last
days of his life he carried out the photographic documentation of
the PTTK Guide Association activities. In years 1966-1967 he
re-established the PTTK Association in the BNP(which once used
to exist) and extended them with guides, drivers and private rooms'
owners. The Association had about 200 members. His achievement
was forming the PTTK branch in Hajnówka. In Białowieża he
initiated the production of small regional souvenirs. He designed
a badge "PTTK Bialowieza Guide" and badges for various Association
ceremonies. Jacek Wysmułek was a great & highly regarded tourist
guide(had 1st guide class). Like no one else, he could talk about
the nature & history of the Bialowieza Forest. Therefore he was
always the centre of tourist groups' attention. He was a splendid
storyteller. He knew a number of forest legends which he used to
tell by the fire. Jacek Wysmułek was a painter as well. His
paintings were highly valued by professionalists. There are
also a few of his publications left, of which the most valuable
is the chapter about tourist trails written for the 3 rd e
dition of the book by J.J. Karpinski "The Bialowieza Forest"
(1977). He gave a lot of interviews for press, radio &
television. Because of his one radio interview the idea
of the program "Podzwonne dla Dębu Jagiełły"(Final tribute
to Jagiellos oak) appeared. The Polish radio broadcast it
a couple days after knocking down by a gale the most famous
BNP oak. That tree, probably, 'remembered' the king
Wladyslaw Jagiello's hunt in the Bialowieza Forest before
the Grunwald battle. In 1977 Jacek fatally became ill.
In a hurry he was finishing works on tourist trails. He
left a written last will for the people of PTTK, giving
details how to maintain and extend them. The testament
was printed in "Głos Białowieży"(Bialowieza Voice) no
11-12, 1977 and was characteristically entitled "Ja nie
zdążyłem..."(I did not have enough time...). He passed away
on 21 January 1983. He was only 45 years old.
His grave is at the Bialowieza cemetery...