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Małgorzata Karczewska, MSc
A biologist, photographer, research worker in the Bialowieza National Park.
She was born on 19 April 1977 in Olecko, in a forester family. Her father is a forest manager of the Pomorze Forestry Commission.
She attended primary school in Giby. In the years 1992-1996 she learnt in the Szymon Konarski Secondary School in Sejny.
In 1996 she started studies at the Department of Biology & Earth Sciences of the University of Lodz(subject: Environmental
Protection; specializations: Conservation Environment Protection and Ecological Education), which she finished in 2001. A master's thesis,
written under supervision of Prof. Dr Romuald Olaczek, focused on analysis of natural & synanthropic flora and tree stand valorization of the
Pomorze Reserve in the Augustow Primeval Forest. During studies she received distinctions for good results from the university vice-chancellor.
From 10 July to 30 September 2001 she worked in the County Sanitary Inspectorate in Sejny.
On 5 November 2001 she started a full-time job as biologist in the PAN's Mammal Research Institute in Białowieża, where she
worked until 30 June 2005. She was responsible for: coordination of stock-taking and monitoring of wolves & lynxes in Poland;
catching rodents; research of the influence of ungulates on reviving glades in the Bialowieza Forest. She took part in organizing Summer School
in Ecology and Biodiversity and other projects of European Union's Centre of Excellence "Bioter". At the same tine she participated also in the programme 'Nature 2000'. She worked out Standard Data Forms for the areas of the Augustow Primeval Forest and the Sejnenskie Lake District, she also designed location maps of phytosociological communities and peat bog descriptions.
From 1 November 2004 until 1 November 2005 she additionally worked as a biology & ecology teacher in Vocational School(Forest Technical College in Augustow).
From 1 July 2005 she has been employed in Scientific Laboratory of the Bialowieza National Park, at first as a scientific records
assistant and then a specialist. She carries out a research subject entitled 'Meadow valorization within the BNP and working out the methods
of their protection'. She monitors protected plant species and training courses concerning rare species in the BNP. She takes part in many workshops
on working out plans of renaturalization of natural habitats and species habitats within the area of Nature 2000.
Author of several publications concerning nature preservation and flora& faunistics. She discovered occurrence of bicolored shrew in the Bialowieza
Glade, extending the mammal list in the Bialowieza Forest. She established occurrence of new sites of protected plant species in the Bialowieza Forest
such as Eastern pasqueflower, Daisy-leaved moonwort, Southern adderstongue, Marsh gentian, Red helleborine, Greater butterfly-orchid.
She takes an active part in organization & service of international conferences.
She cooperates with WWF, State Forests and Podlaski Nature Restorer. She finished the course of the Nature Protection Guard. She is a member of the
Polish Association of Bird Protection, Polish Zoological Association and Polish Hunting Association.
She is interested in photography. Winner of 3 first prizes endowed by the Dean of Biology & Earth Sciences Department at Łodz University in the
Nature Photography Contest. She participated in a collective photographic exhibition entitled 'The landscapes of Augustow Primeval Forest,
organized in the Bialowieza Community Centre in 1995.
She is a qualified tourist guide and licensed PTTK guide. Co-author of two leaflets about tourist route called "Tracking Bison". (compiled by Piotr Bajko)