Pine is a beautiful and majestic tree, particularly from Bialowieza.
We can say that the highest pines in Poland grow in the Bialowieza Forest.
Ages ago Bialowieza pines were obtained for masts of ships sailing around
basins of the world at that time.

The forest inhabitants used to form wild beehives in pines to get honey
(very precious at that time). Even now in the forest there are several
beehive pines though their number decreases year by year. In 2005 the most
famous beehive pine of the National Park blew down. Its rotting tree stump
was not able to bear the huge tree any more. Another famous pine with
well-preserved wild beehive also withered a couple of years ago. At its
base we can admire beehive's closing up(made from oak), which once shielded
the wild beehive located on this pine at the height of several meters.
In the forest you can also find pines with so called 'splint-hollows'
(photo below) which is a place in the pine's trunk from which a forest
beekeper was taking a splint. A burning splint was used to intoxicate bees
during collecting honey from a wild beehive. A big pine with a huge hollow
grows near forester's lodge 'Dziedzinka'.

It is a very nice tree, and on the hollow you can see very well
some marks made by an axe or other tool, which was used more than
100 years ago by a forest beekeeper who chipped away pieces of the
pine's trunk.The Białowieża National Park is also famous for so called 'f.
annulata' pines growing in the area. The origin of characteristic 'bark flange',
which appears on a pine bark, is not clear. Some associate it with various sun
exposure of which the result is heating up the bark of such a tree by the
Sun but it is only one of many theories.
According to literature the highest Bialowieza pines reach 42-45 meters
of height, and the trunk perimeter at the height of 130cm reaches 400cm,
with the maximum age of 350-400 years. Observations & measurements taken
by me confirm this information. A few years ago on my own I measured huge
pines knocked down by a gale. One of them was 40.5 m high, and the other
41.5m. The thickest pine which perimeter I measured myself had 381cm in