Interesting websites about nature and trees:
Piotr Bajko![]()
Piotr Bajko - a forestry technician by education,
a journalist & region historian by avocation. Born on 5
November 1950 in Białowieża. He graduated from the Forestry
Technical School in Bialowieza(1969). In years 1969-1970 he was
on placement in Forestry Commission "Zwierzyniec" in the Bialowieza
Forest. In March 1972 he started working in the Bialowieza National
Park; for 33 years he was connected with the Museum of Nature & Forestry
and since April 2005 he has been attached to a scientific lab(as an assistant
worker). His adventure with journalism he started for good in 1968, while still
being a student. Earlier his small works were published by a newspaper "Świat
Młodych". Until the '90-ties of the last century he was a permanent correspondent
of the Bialystok press. His works include about 2000 publications, which appeared
in over 70 newspaper titles. Moreover he published the following books:
"Orthodox Church & parish in Bialowieza" (I ed. - 1994; II ed. - 2002),
"Białowieża. An Outline History until 1950" (2001), "Calendar of the Bialowieza
Bison" (2004), "Białowieża. The Saint Nicholas Orthodox Parish" (2006).
Prepared by him "The Bialowieza Chronicle 983-2005" is being printed at
the moment, and "The Bialowieza Forest Bibliography 2001-2005" is ready
to go to press. For monograph on the Bialowieza orthodox church the Synod
of Bishops of Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church honoured him with the
St. Maria Magdalena Order of II degree. Most of his works he dedicated
to history and the present day of Bialowieza and the Bialowieza Forest,
and also popularization of natural & cultural values of this region.
A seperate sphere of his interests are beliefs, rituals and customs
connected with trees; monographic articles on this subject he publishes
in a monthly magazine "Nieznany Świat"("Unknown world"). He co-discovered
(along with Col Borys Russko & Dr. of medicine Sergiusz Tarasiewicz)
"the Bialowieza force places" - on a hill in the Palace Park in Bialowieza
& in the department 495 of the Bialowieza Forest, which have become
a tourist attraction now. In the 70-ties he was a crossword fanatic
& compiler; self-designed crossword projects he was publishing in the
charade papers and popular dailies. His another passion was film;
during the end of 60-ties & beginning of 70-ties he recorded
on 8-mm film various events from his hometown, he also examined
a history of film making in the Bialowieza Forest.