Interesting websites about nature and trees:
Jeroen Philippona
Jeroen Philippona was born in 1955 in Haarlem, Holland.
Currently he is living with his wife Gerdien in old town Zutphen.
He studied biology & geography, later worked in the Ecological Society
and at the moment he is working as a social worker in Arnhem. He is a great
admirer of nature and works in associations of tree enthiusiasts & bird
protection. He is in constant touch with the Dutch Tree Lovers Society.
He is particularly interested in old & monumental trees such as oaks.
During his travels many times he visited the Bialowieza Forest and he
is doing a lot to propagate its natural values in his native Holland.
He is impressed by beauty of the Bialowieza Forests, and their trees especially.
In addition, he is a music fan - particularly of classical, jazz and ethnic
music from various parts of the world. He is a member of a choir specializing
in the classical repertoire.