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Adam Wajrak

Adam Wajrak was born in 1972 in Warsaw. In 1997 he moved to the Bialowieza Forest and until now he has lived in Teremiski. A journalist specialising in the subject of animals, nature and environment issues. Since 1990 he has been working for Gazeta Wyborcza. He is the author of over 700 articles & 3 books - "(Za)piski Wajraka"(Wajrak's Notes), "Zwierzaki Wajraka"(Wajrak's Animals), "Kuna za Kaloryferem"(Marten behind the heater). He is particularly interested in relations between various animal species and their natural environment but also in the influence of human activitites. Collaborator of programs: 1991 99 Animals (2 TVP channel), from 1999 Arka Noego (2 TVP ). Awarded many times for work on nature promotion. For series of articles about big predators in 1993 he received a title "Nature Friend" from Pracownia na Rzecz Wszystkich Istot(All Beings Lab), one of main Polish organizations acting for nature protection. He got a silver medal from the Polish Minister of Environment Protection and a medal from the League of Nature Protection. In 1999 he became a winner of "Polish Pulitzer" in the category: specialist text and received a distinction from the Polish Journalist Association for his professional achievements. The Bialowieza Forest Protection Association granted Adam Wajrak the ' Honourable Title of the Bialowieza Forest Friend', The Disabled Artists Association "Nike" awarded him for looking after disabled animals and in 2000 he got a prize from the Polish Science Fundation for his role in popularizing science and knowledge of nature. He took part in a few polar expeditions. In 2000 along with 3 friends he skid across the Canada & Greenland.border. He is a member of many scientific institutions including the Oceanographic Institute & The Polish Academy of Science and takes an active part in a scientific project concerning birds of prey and mammals in the Bialowieza Park. Since 2003 Adam has been cooperating with Animal Planet announcing evening programs of this channel.

Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone - Janusz Korbel i Tomasz Niechoda